Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Garden glut goes global

I have to travel quite a bit for work.  It is a privilege but it is also a burden -  away from kith and kin, hearth and home, cat and caboodle, soil and soul.

I have decided to keep a blog when ever I am away.  It will be similar to my home blog - focusing  on gardens and food.  In the next two months I have the fortune to travel to Thailand, China and Mongolia for work and to China for a vacation. I hope to bring you a little of those places thru their gardens and their food while I am away.

If you have some particular things you'd like me to address, I will try to.  What do you want to hear about Thailand's gardens and food and I will try to include it. Have you had experiences in these places that you recommend?


  1. Fascinating! I will be waiting for your post from around the world too!

    1. Oh thanks Marina, you know I have an image in my mind of one of the most perfect veg gardens I ever saw. It was in Qinghai Province in China back in the early 90s it was tended by really young Tibetan Monks one of whom was a special high incarnation. It was walled against the (I imagine) high altitude winter. Qinghai is a province claimed by Tibet as Tibetan and is,like Tibet up on the Tibetan Plateau.

      It had beautifully prunned apples and stone fruit trees, and veg underneath. It was absolutely beautiful. It is still the veg patch that I would love to have. If I can being you even one garden like that from China I will be glad.

  2. ekk I am really looking forward to your adventures. LOVE China enjoy yourself
