Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Food market - Beijing

neatly layed out strawberries
different coloured corn
(Another in the catching up from China series!)

Here are some pictures of a food market in Bejing, just off Gulouwai Daijie in pretty damn central Beijing.
I hunted this one down. 

I kept seeing people coming from a particular direction with plastic bags of fruit and veg. I decided to track back along their path to see where the food was coming from. 

mini mangoes

 Eventually I found a huge market tucked away through a door or two.

I love food markets anywhere in the world but this was quite a good one! It had poultry, pork,  fruit, veg and dried goods as well as household objects.

What do I like about food markets in other parts of the world? Many many things...

 One of the main things I think is the daily lifeness of a food market. When you are in a strange town working or as a tourist its so nice to touch base with the everydayness of life through a food market.

You see people doing what would do if you were at home, and an added bonus is that because people are just doing their normal things no one notices you... everyone is just getting on hunting and gathering their daily needs and their special treats.

And you get to see what people buy and eat -  the real food that people eat everyday and prepare for themselves. 

Then there is the whole aspect of how it is layed out and sold.  Don't you love how the strawberries are presented, all in neat little rows with a decortative leaf! Better than being stuffed into plastic punnets. More markets another day.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, I love to wander around produce markets, I'm drooling over the mushrooms, so fresh and pretty.
    Thanks for dropping by my blog.
